KATHMANDU, Aug 18: The government has decided to spend Rs 30 million to provide housing facilities for all Supreme Court (SC) justices at Pulchowk in Lalitpur. Currently, only the Chief Justice gets the privilege to live in government-provided quarters. However, now this privilege will be available to all SC justices, who will be housed in the Ministers’ Quarters at Pulchowk.

ACHHAM, Dec 15:  In the hope for a son, Radhika Kunwar of Nawathana gave birth to nine daughters one after another. After waiting for years, she couldn't be happier when she finally gave birth to a son as her tenth child. "Repeated pregnancy itself was a challenge to my health and raising so many daughters together was an added burden," she laments.

KATHMANDU, April 14: Celebrities are just the people who are good at what they do, are talented, and are confident enough to showcase their talent.

Our English obsession

November 12, 2016 00:35 am

It is sad that long after colonial masters have departed we still  classify people solely by their levels of English proficiency