KATHMANDU, Aug 21: Over the past year, 21 tourists have died due to altitude sickness in the Annapurna Conservation Area, a popular trekking destination in Gandaki Province.

KATHMANDU, Nov 7: Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) has requested helicopter companies not to operate any commercial flights in the Annapurna Conservation Area without taking permission from the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP).

POKHARA, Oct 11: Lodges on the Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) trekking trail are preparing to add rooms as number of trekkers to this popular trekking destination continues to rise with each passing year.

Vulture count starts in ACAP vicinity

December 23, 2016 14:34 pm

MUSTANG, Dec 23: An overdue census to determine the population of vultures in and around the world-famous Annapurna circuit trek route has started.