A little girl was very pretty. So pretty that grandfather addressed her as 'My little princess' She was fond of wearing nice dresses. On a party day, she would carefully choose her dress for the occasion as soon as she got up in the morning.
She lived with her caring parents and an affectionate younger brother, Neil. He would follow her to play in a huge backyard. In the locality, each house opened to the huge open area through short stairs. The area became common to all the surrounding houses. Thus, the backyard of all put together became a field to play in and a park to stroll around. It contained a pool where the little girl swam.
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Her parents, on certain occasions, drove her together with her brother to a nearby big city. A big river was on its way. While crossing it, she would sometimes see boats sailing through but knew not where the boats were going to. She desired to go to her grandparents through the boat. Now she has grown a little bigger to know that she has to travel in a big airplane to reach to her grandparents.
Once, while in a play on the field, she saw a long worm. Before she came close enough, it went inside the earth. Eva waited for it to come out, but all in vain. She wondered why it went inside. Her grandmother, who was a ‘Bug Scientist’, would have the answer.
So, she asked her over the video call, “why does the worm go inside the earth?”
Grandma explained, ‘ look my darling, that worm you saw is known as an earthworm. It lives inside the earth. That is its home, the way ours is above the ground. All living creatures need to breathe to survive. We breathe in oxygen from the air through our nose. So does earthworm, but through its skin. Its skin can take oxygen in only from a moist place. That moist place for it is inside the earth. But it comes out for food, and also for finding its friend to play with. If it remains above the earth for long, its skin dries out. So, it dies. That is why earthworms are always in a hurry to go inside.
Like us, God has created the earthworm, too. We have to live together. They live under the earth, while we live above the earth. We see when it comes above on the ground. We should never harm them. Eva became happy as she knew the reason it went inside hurriedly. She beamed. So much of smiles on her face made her more beautiful. The little princess!