KATHMANDU, Nov 11: The Universal Peace Sanctuary urged UN Secretary General Antonio Gutterres to recognize its role in global peace efforts.
Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche of the Universal Peace Sanctuary, which is under construction in Lumbini, made the request to Secretary General Gutterres to Lumbini during his recent official visit to Nepal. "My message to Secretary General was the request to acknowledge the role of the Universal Peace Sanctuary's role in global peace efforts. This proposal carries the potential to catalyze monumental advancement in global peace initiatives," he said in a statement.
Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche said his vision for the sanctuary is to make it serve as beacon of light for all humanity for people of every race, color, creed. "Violence only leads to more violence. Compassionate intelligence and mutual understanding can heal all wounds. Naturally, everyone desires the fruits of peace and no one desires the the ravages of war," he has further said in the statement.
Full text of the statement:
With compassion, wisdom, and humility, we possess the limitless capacity for unconditional love and caring. In every moment, with every breath, we can respond with intelligence and clarity.
H.E. Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche building Universal Peace Sanctuary...

Everything we experience is in essence pure unconditioned energy. The energy itself is unchanging and unobstructed. We can relate to the moment naturally, without trying to change or manipulate this energy. Then energy is pure and manifests naturally. Then, we can truly experience the moment as it is, which in itself, is sufficient and complete. Such is the way of being when we are aware.
Lacking awareness, we become bound by our habits, our attachments, and our conditioning. Innate wisdom is hijacked by confusion and lack of clarity. Compassionately, we can apply courageous intelligence to see clearly. This is the natural way of compassionate action, the embodiment of ancient wisdom found in the teachings of many genuine spiritual traditions. This wisdom is the source of conscious awareness and compassionate action.
A life of mindfulness and awareness cultivates peace. When our internal wars are pacified, we spontaneously experience inner peace, and our world becomes a reflection of harmony and luminosity. With inner peace, there is total fulfillment, and complete contentment with things as they are. There is freedom from fixed ideas, concepts, and identification. No longer bound by conditional habitual patterns, one realizes one’s full unlimited potential. That is to say, we become who we truly are.
Today our world is filled with fear and mistrust, leading to unhealthy and harmful competition and conflict. Wisdom is the antidote for overcoming the fear resulting from our strong attachment to self-identity. The aspects of our nature that crave recognition trigger emotions like pride, anger, and jealousy. When these poisonous emotions are transcended and liberated, spontaneous fulfillment is actualized. Peace is no longer something we have to strive for. It is the most natural state of our being.
The guiding principle of the Universal Peace Sanctuary is to “make peace more fashionable than war.” Here, we need to confront the internal wars of greed, desire, hatred, and ignorance by looking within. Only then, can we hope to pacify the causes of conflict and discord.
The current state of the world reflects the collective karma of human beings. The global crises we face signal a drifting away from wisdom-mind, and a proliferation of alienation in politics, culture, and religion. Our current trajectory is proving insufficient in addressing climate change, escalating wars, and declining mental health. We need novel solutions, and for that, we must transcend our ordinary conditioned responses.
The Universal Peace Sanctuary is currently under construction in Lumbini, Nepal. My vision for the sanctuary is that it serves as a beacon of light for all humanity, for people of every race, color, and creed. Violence only leads to more violence. Compassionate intelligence and mutual understanding can heal all wounds. Naturally, everyone desires the fruits of peace and no one desires the ravages of war.
Now I am urging world leaders to prioritize peace, suggesting that "world peace through inner peace" could yield significant global advances. As we see the potential for war and conflict increasing all around the world, the need for peaceful cooperation and reconciliation has never been more pronounced.
I am seeking counsel from all peace-loving organizations, including the UN, for ways to collectively work towards strengthening harmonious relations internationally. On October 30, 2023, I arrived in Lumbini, accompanied by Mrs. Shova Gyawali, Mr. Yabaraj Lama, and Mr. Sunil Sakya, to share my pure vision for the Universal Peace Sanctuary with the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, during his 4-day visit to Nepal. My vision of Lumbini as the “Fountainhead of Peace,” resonates with the Secretary-General's message: “In these troubled times, my message to the world from Lumbini is this: Humanity has a choice. The path to peace is ours to take. Act now for peace.”
My message to the Secretary-General was the request to acknowledge the Universal Peace Sanctuary's role in global peace efforts. This proposal carries the potential to catalyze monumental advancements in global peace initiatives.
This global initiative requires widespread support. People everywhere who are inspired by this pure vision are encouraged to contribute, even with the smallest of donations, making this endeavor for peace their shared living legacy. Building the sanctuary will require much funding; however, we do not wish to rely solely on donations from only a few wealthy patrons, but offer everyone the opportunity to become a stakeholder in this great enterprise for peace.
Peace in the world can only happen when fortified by inner peace. Each one of us can realize our true nature, which is the essence of peace. The Universal Peace Sanctuary will help to bring unity and mutual understanding by activating our innate basic goodness.
Together, we can make peace more fashionable than war.
By Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche