KANCHANPUR, June 25: Shuklaphanta Municipality has been declared as a fully-vaccinated municipality. It has been declared a fully-vaccinated municipality after meeting the required criteria.
As all 15-year-old children in the municipality received all vaccines they were to receive, the municipality was successful in ensuring complete vaccination and declaring itself a fully-vaccinated municipality, informed the health branch head of the municipality, Parmananda Bhatta. According to him, the identification and analysis of the vaccination status of children in the age group of 16 to 23 months was done to ensure complete vaccination.
Among 3,028 children who were to receive complete vaccination, 2,978 children received all vaccines. In the process of moving away from home into the labor market, 50 children have missed the vaccination. Fifty children of those families which either migrated or moved away in search of work missed the vaccination.
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The Branch chief Bhatt said that children of Indian families engaged in labor, including brick factories, are not vaccinated against infectious diseases, so the risk is increasing.
'Vaccination protects against various communicable diseases', he said. Vaccination is done.'
On this occasion, the head of District Coordination Committee Kanchanpur, Durgadatta Bohra, said that basic health care is a fundamental right in the constitution, so getting vaccination is a natural right of children.
Mayor Ran Bahadur Mahara said that the vaccination program is effective to prevent a possible epidemic. He mentioned that this program should be made more effective and children who missed vaccination should be found and given the full amount of vaccination.
Municipal Deputy Chief Kalpana Pant said that since the vaccination program is a program of the municipality, the participation of partner agencies should be increased to strengthen its services.
Bohra, the head of the district coordination committee, handed over the certificate of complete security and sustainability to the mayor Mahara in the program. On the occasion, certificates of appreciation were presented to the heads of health centers who conducted the vaccination program effectively.