BAITADI, Aug 17: A safety plan has been introduced targeting 56 community schools in the Dashrath municipality, Baitadi. The plan aims to strengthen the resilience and safety of schools vulnerable to the effects of natural disasters, making students prepared to handle them safely.
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All schools here have now the safety plan developed as per the Comprehensive School Safety Implementation Procedure, 2075 BS, said municipality education coordinator Mohan Nath. "It will be helpful to stay away from possible consequences at the time of the natural disaster," he added. The UNICEF Nepal had assisted the Bhumeshwor Community Development Association in formulating the plan in coordination with the local government, according to Association executive director Mohan Singh Air.
Other several activities such as the formation of the school-level disaster management committee, risk evaluation and capacity enhancement programs will be carried under the plan. School children will be familiarised with skills to tackle when a disaster strikes. Meanwhile, a review meeting of the Comprehensive School Safety Project implemented by the Association in support of the UNICEF Nepal was held here Friday.