SC overturns Regal’s release through presidential pardon

Published On: November 2, 2023 04:18 PM NPT By: Republica  | @RepublicaNepal

KATHMANDU, Nov 2: The Supreme Court (SC) has invalidated the presidential pardon given to the Yograj Dhakal, popularly known as Regal,  at the government's recommendation. Regal was  serving a jail term on charge of murdering Chetan Manandhar.

SC Information Officer Govinda Ghimire said that a full bench of the SC justices passed the verdict on Thursday while hearing the writ filed by Chetan's wife Bharati Sherpa. He said that a warrant will be issued to arrest Regal immediately.

Chetan was murdered by a gang led by Regal at a hotel in Nepalgunj on July 13, 2015. Following the incident, Regal was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Bharati Manandhar, who started a hunger-strike after the amnesty of Regal was granted amnesty on the occasion of Constitution Day. She has won the case with SC’s order.


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