BAITADI, Aug 16: The problem of uterine prolapse is becoming critical in Baitadi due to sheer negligence of women during pregnancy and birth. Lack of timely treatment has compelled the women to struggle with their illness for lifetime.
The fear of being ostracized by the society has made this problem even more serious here. Most of the women open up about fallen womb only when it reaches the third stage, say health workers. However, at that time, surgery is the only option to cure the aliment.
Women in rural areas still hesitant to treat uterine prolapse

Santosh Pandey, health assistant at the District Health Office informed that women come for treatment only after their pain becomes unbearable. Early marriage, pregnancy, unsafe abortion and lack of proper care during pregnancy are the major reasons behind uterine prolapse. Apart from that, women in rural areas are obliged to continue backbreaking works during and immediately after pregnancy, which results in uterine prolpase.
Dr Jagdish Bista, chief of the District Hospital, Baitadi, informed that women contact doctors only when their illness becomes critical. Health posts often conduct free health camps in rural areas and place ring pessaries in the womb of women with first stage of prolapse. According to Dr Bista, surgery is compulsory for the third stage of prolapse but a ring can work in case of first stage prolapse.
As most of the health posts do not perform surgery, women are obliged to go out of the district for treatment. Lokesh Joshi, chief of Kuwakot Health Post, informed that women are so hesitant about this problem that they sometimes return home from health posts without any treatment.
"It becomes a real challenge for the women to discuss their problem especially when they have to discuss it with male health workers," Joshi said.
It is surprising that women do not share about uterine prolapse even with their own husband. Health workers often suggest women to maintain gap between births, do not to give birth to too many children, maintain proper diet and opt for regular health checkups.