KATHMANDU, May 25: Bibeksheel Nepali Party’s mayoral candidate for Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC), Ranju Darsana has expressed her commitment to work for the Kathmanduities as a watchdog.
She accepted her defeat in the election in a program organized on Thursday to review the party’s performance in KMC election. While vote counting is still underway, she has got almost 19,000 votes till Thursday evening.
“I would like to thank all the people of Kathmandu who cast their votes trusting me. I feel honored to get such a support. Now, I have decided to serve the people of Kathmandu as a watchdog,” she said.
Ranju commits to serve Kathmanduites as watchdog

She expressed her happiness over the “huge support” from the public during the election and said that she respects the public trust.
“I take this election as my victory and I will use this opportunity to serve the people in the capital,” she said.
Stressing the need for an alternative force in Nepali politics, Ranju claimed that her party was such an alternative force.
“Earlier, everybody thought we are a small party. Now they will think differently. The election has provided us a big space in Nepal’s politics,” she said.
Meanwhile, the party which has been engaged in capital-centric politics so far plans to expand to other parts of the country soon.
“We are planning to contest the phase II local polls in areas outside the capital. It will help us to grow outside Kathmandu very soon,” said Ramesh Paudel, spokesman of the party.