Work-life balance is something that every person on the planet (earth) has to go through. Life was simpler when human civilization started around 200K years ago. But now every simple things look complex with modernization.
Developed countries are up to the mark when it comes to managing and encouraging the employee at the workplace by lifting the standards on work-life balance. But in developing countries with weaker trade unions and lack of job opportunities peoples’ lives are compromised at the workplace.
Ways to be productive this week
As per data published by DOI (Department of Industry), by the FY 2074/75, there are a total of 7,529 industries, 6,418 branches of banking and financial institution comprising of commercial, development, and finance and microfinance institutions (Nepal Rastra Bank). Many of them appear to have excellent HR policy but sadly it exists only in the paper.
Let’s talk about the Labor Act, 2074 of Nepal which states that workers should be paid 1.5 times of their ordinary rate of wages (As per Section 31). Similarly, it talks about having 30 minutes of break for every 5 hours of work (As per Section 28). Constitution of Nepal, 2072 also mentioned the right to labor (As per Section 34). In reality workers and employees are overexploited in the workplace which compels them to quit their job or move abroad or continue being suffered. Long hours of work at the cost of personal lives of subordinates are practiced neglecting the fact that work is never ending process.
Work-life balance is one of the topics which we read in the management subject. Many graduates working in different institutions complete MBA and other reputed degrees and yet fail to implement a work-life balance. Superiors or managers are guided with vested interests and personal targets so that the subordinates are forced to work for hours under stress with no overtime pay and facilities.
Productivity and effectiveness of the employee can be enhanced and increased if he/she gets a better working environment. Targets, goals, and objectives of the organization can be achieved if employees are also treated as an asset of the organization. Thus, employees’ personal life, health, and happiness should not be theft by their educated bosses. Work life should rather be enhanced by making it more productive and effective.
The author works at Machhapuchchhre Bank Limited. He holds an MBA degree from Pokhara University.