Online Education is one of the most necessary yet undermined topics in the field of education. Online education is the process of attending college through internet. It basically means that a student can sit in his computer and take college equivalent degree without even leaving his room. As marvelous as it sounds, Online Education courses are far from being taken in by the students. The traditional belief of education by person to person interaction seems to be one of many problems.
The population of the world is increasing on and on and there is no stopping it. The schools and colleges are getting crowded. The concept of mass education compromises the quality of education provided to the students. The students also travel to their respective colleges in their vehicles. The gasoline demands are forever increasing and with the growing population it is set to get even higher than ever. In such a scenario, Online Education courses serve as a very efficient and easy way of minimizing the problems. The students do not take their vehicles out and take their classes from their houses then the gasoline used in the cars is completely conserved.
Colleges are expensive, they have to encompass a large housing space for their dorms and class rooms as a result more land is to be created which only comes from demolishing the forest which inevitably points toward the danger of global warming, climate change and many other problems.
Online Education A broader solution

Online Education courses also provide a solution to this problem. When the students use Online Education courses, there is no need to create huge housing spaces for college and dorms. Hence, a large portion of the forest can remain unharmed. Online Education courses can also limit the flow of emigrant students who leave their country for education all they have to do is sit on their computer and take Online Education courses from their homes as a result the problem of emigrants can also be handled well by Online Education courses.
Online Education courses also help to provide quality education to those who attend college in the traditional way. As the colleges are less crowded the teachers will have a lot student to deal with, enabling them to pay much closer attention to details of what their teaching, as a result, the students get a higher quality of education. Last but not the least Online Education courses can help the financially backward students to attain the education they want to attain. As they can just stay at home and get education, the cost of their travelling and accommodation can be used in something else.
Online Education courses have disadvantages too. For instance, if his/her computer breaks down then he will not have any other means for covering for his day’s education he had missed. Of course he can re attend the class online but he cannot have the firsthand experience he would have had when he was present when the actual class was happening. Online Education courses can also be really annoying for students who do not want to sit on their computers for 3-4 hours and take lessons. Online Education courses can also be ineffective for students who do not know how to operate computers. They will have to go to colleges and take the traditional way.
Also computers can be distracting for many students; the temptation to play one more time can also be time consuming. The most important disadvantage of Online Education courses is the fact that internet is not available in very part of the world. Some countries in the Middle East are still not familiar with the use of computer; of such scenarios Online Education courses are nothing but just waste of time. These countries cannot even support the living expenses of the countries for those countries to apply the concept of Online Education courses is absolutely ridiculous.
The concept of Online Education courses is very promising but the area of its applications is very complicated. Online Education courses can save a lot of things including time, money and fuel but for Online Education courses to replace the traditional way of collages is not a very realistic view. No matter what, people will always believe that their education is not complete until and unless they register their names in the registers of a four walled class room rather than registering it on a computer.
The writer has recently completed her AS level.