Issuing a statement, Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) said Rajiv Agrawal, joint managing director of TTF, handed over the award and certificate to Sunil Sharma, officiating director of NTB. R V Deshpande, Minister of Large and Medium Scale Industries and Tourism, State of Karnataka, visited nepal's stall during the fair and praised the tourism potential of Nepal, while assuring support from Karnataka State in promoting Nepal's tourism, according to Sudhan Subedi, officer of NTB.
According to NTB, Nepal stall was centrally placed and spared over 48 square meters. "The NTB stall was decorated highlighting pilgrimage along with cultural and adventure attractions. Three big banners of Pashupatinath, Pokhara and the Mt Everest placed at the entrance attracted visitors. Many visitors were busy taking pictures in front of the stall," Subedi added. He also said many visitors were keen on learning post-quake situation of Nepal.
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