KATHMANDU, Jan 3: Members of House of Representatives, the lower house of the Federal Parliament, has drawn government's attention on various issues including the Nirmala rape and murder case, normal life affected by cold in Tarai and road construction.
Talking in zero hour of today's HoR meeting, lawmaker Rani Mandal drew government's attention to make an arrangement of warm clothes and firewood at a time when a chilling cold has been affecting normal life of Madhes.
Similarly, Yagya Raj Sunuwar asked the government to construct Ghurmi Chatara road soon as people of Okhaldhunga and Khotang have been facing problems to reach capital of province 1 in lack of road while Rajendra Kumar KC, Bhawani Khapung and Yagya Bahadur Bogati drew government's attention, saying construction of road has not been started even after more than half of time of the current fiscal year has been passed.
HoR meeting: lawmakers draw govt attention on various issues

Likewise, Bimala BK objected towards the discrimination to lawmakers under Proportional Representative System while allocating budget. Similarly, Bharat Kumar Shah demanded to construct housing for lawmakers after correcting the decision of constructing housing for ministers at Bhainsepati.
Lawmaker Dr. Minendra Prasad Rijal demanded with the government for information relating to the Rs billion 500 million that was collected to rebuild the quake-damaged Dharahara in Kathmandu.
Yasoda Gurung Subedi asked about the government's opinion about the provision wherein the vehicles with Nepali number plate were not allowed to ply the roads in Nepal while the vehicles with Indian number plate were plying unabated in Nepal's road.
Rangmati Shahi viewed that the government failed to find the culprit of Nirmala Rape and Murder case and opined that the culprit would be identified if the women lawmakers were assigned to look into the case.
Rajendra Prasad Gautam demanded with the government to determine the budget for DoLIDAR project t as he argued that government has not been able to fix budget to the Project under the federal government's Ministry of Local Development. RSS