While the BA.2 sublineage of the Omicron variant remains dominant in most parts of the world, World Health Organisation chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus raises concerns over subvariants BA.4 and BA.5 that are currently driving the new surge of COVID-19 infections in South Africa.
“In many countries, we’re essentially blind to how the virus is mutating. We don’t know what’s coming next," he said.
That said, in light of these new sub-variants, Professor Tim Spector, head of the ZOE Covid Study app, took to YouTube to address the concerns and provide insights into the two new Omicron sub-variants.
BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants of Omicron
Just last month in April, South African scientists detected two new Omicron sublineages known as BA.4 and BA.5.
Although BA.2 stealth Omicron remains to be dominant, BA.4 and BA.5 are said to be more infectious than BA.2 and are likely to be more efficient at escaping immunity from vaccines.
According to Prof. Spector, BA.4 and BA.5 may not pose an immediate risk.
However, he notes that he and his team are keeping a close eye on the variants since cases are increasing rapidly in South Africa.
Additionally, the professor has listed two symptoms that need to be taken "really seriously". Read on to find out what they are.
Loss of smell
Loss of sense of smell was a common symptom during the rise of Delta infections.
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Most people infected with the Delta variant developed respiratory symptoms along with certain changes to their olfactory system.
Also known as Anosmia, it is the condition, wherein people lose their sense of smell either for a short period of time or longer i.e. even after recovery.
According to Prof. Tim Spector, loss of smell is one of the symptoms to not be taken lightly.
Tinnitus, also known as ear ringing, is another symptom to take seriously, as per Professor Spector.
"It suggests another part of the body is being affected, something internal, more close to the brain."
Prof. Spector and his team conducted a survey to check the prevalence of tinnitus in people affected with COVID-19.
It was found that 19 percent or one in five of COVID-infected people did have ear problems.
According to the ZOE study, of the 14,500 people who participated in the survey, 5,000 tested positive for coronavirus and ear ringing. As per the patients, the symptoms "come and goes and can be mild to moderate for weeks or months".
Signs of tinnitus
Tinnitus symptoms could vary from person to person. Some may hear a high squeal while others may hear a low roar. That said, tinnitus may sound like the following:
- Roaring
- Ringing
- Buzzing
- Hissing
- Clicking
- Humming
- Whooshing
- Throbbing
Other common symptoms of Omicron
Apart from the two symptoms mentioned above, here are the most common symptoms associated with COVID so far.
- Fever
- Persistent cough
- Sore throat
- Runny nose
- Headache
- Fatigue
- Body ache
- Gastrointestinal problems