Bollywood singer Neha Kakkar performed live at Lords of the Drinks (LOD), Thamel on Saturday and the concert got into a controversy. Metropolitan Police Crime Division, Teku arrested three organizers—Deepak Ghimire, Bhupin Kunwar and Robin Shrestha of Paramount Entertainment for selling tickets more than the venue’s capacity.
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According to Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Uttam Raj Subedi, the venue was jam-packed since organizer had sold tickets beyond the venue’s capacity. “The capacity of LOD is 1,800. But people who attended the event were more than 1,800. So we held back 400 people to enter the event. They were sent back and we consoled them that their ticket price will be reimbursed by the organizer,” Subedi informed.
According to a source, there was a burst of an outrage inside the venue. However, bouncers controlled the situation.