BHAKTAPUR, Nov 18: Minister for Transport and Infrastructure Renu Kumari Yadav has said that the contract would be terminated if the Kamalbinayak-Nagarkot road section was not completed within two months.
In a discussion between Minster Yadav and Bagmati Province Minister for Infrastructure Development Krishna Lal Bhadel on the status of road construction, an understanding was reached to terminate the contract if the road construction works were not completed within a couple of months. Former general secretary of Federation of Contractors' Association of Nepal Ramsharan Deuja had coordinated the meeting between the teams with federal and provincial line ministers on Wednesday. The meeting took strong exception to the slow progress on the road construction and discussed with direct contractor Sailung Construction to complete road construction without any delay.
The construction works began in the fiscal year 2013/14 but its deadline was extended several times. This time too the deadline has been extended.
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In response to the snail pace of progress despite extension several times, locals and hotel entrepreneurs have formed a struggle committee demanding timely completion of construction works.
Minster Bhadel briefed federal Minister Yadav about road construction status and public wrath, and also urged her to take prompt action to expedite road construction, shared mediator Deuja.
On the occasion, Secretary at Ministry of Physical Transport and Infrastructure, Rabindra Nath Shrestha said that the quality has not been maintained well in the construction works and double blacktopping has yet to be done.
The key responsible actors also discussed allocating necessary budget from the federal ministry to enable the contractors to complete the construction within two months. Minister Yadav positively responded to the discussion outcome and the need of budgetary allocation, Deuja informed.