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Construction of Bandipur cable car records 50 pc progress

TANAHU, Jan 4: The construction work of cable car in Bandipur of Tanahu district has been half completed. The project has completed 50 percent of construction work, according to the project officials. The foundation stone of the project was laid by the chief minister of Gandaki Province, Prithvi Subba Gurung on July 20, 2019.
By Republica

TANAHU, Jan 4: The construction work of cable car in Bandipur of Tanahu district has been half completed. The project has completed 50 percent of construction work, according to the project officials. The foundation stone of the project was laid by the chief minister of Gandaki Province, Prithvi Subba Gurung on July 20, 2019.

The project undertaken by Chandra Nirman Sewa is being constructed with a joint investment of the rural municipality and locals. Of the total Rs 2 billion investment needed, the rural municipality has already invested Rs 5 million and has committed to add another Rs 5 million.

A total of 232 locals have invested in the project. Krishna Raj Adhikari, one of the operators of the cable car, said that the construction work has been hampered due to the 2015 earthquake, Indian blockade against Nepal and the COVID-19 pandemic. The cable car service is expected to come into operation by September, 2021.

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The total length of the cable car will be 1,600 meters from Dumre Thuladhunga-4, Bandipur Municipality to Baralthok of the same municipality under Prithivi Highway.

“The shareholder's participation has been ensured by transforming it into a limited company with the objective of making it a suitable destination for entrepreneurial partnership,” he told Republica, “Our target is to inaugurate the temple on the day of Fulpati as a huge fair will be organized in the area on the same day.”

According to the 15-year strategy, the company has categorized the first five years as short-term target, the second five years as medium-term target and the third five-year term a long-term target by acquiring land of 32 families and providing them shares.

Initially, the total cost of the project will be Rs 1.56 billion and the cable car will be operational within a year. According to him, the cost will increase after it comes into operation. There will be a four-star hotel (Queen Tower) near the upper station of the cable car.

There will be a cable car station on the third floor from the basement of the hotel which will be constructed in an artistic style. It will be a 12-story hotel with a viewpoint, a ceremony hall and 60 rooms and a swimming pool. The project is being constructed with a loan from NMB Bank and Nepal SBI Bank. They are lending about Rs 1 billion to the project.

The project, which is being constructed by about 150 workers, is expected to provide direct and indirect employment to 1,000 people

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