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Change is Good

The year 2017 saw a major change in me. Currently 18 years old, one can assume I am a normal boy in his late teens like most are. That could be true to some extent, but I can guarantee that I have realized something that all the people at my age need to realize, sooner or later. Networking is important.
By Sumit Pokharel

The year 2017 saw a major change in me. Currently 18 years old, one can assume I am a normal boy in his late teens like most are. That could be true to some extent, but I can guarantee that I have realized something that all the people at my age need to realize, sooner or later. Networking is important.

I used to communicate with my family members, neighbors, friends and teachers. And I thought that keeping in contact with your friend and family was enough. But I later realized that networking outside of your family and comfort zone is important. I realized that I did not have any contacts or networking at the end of my high school. I did not know anything except studies and family responsibilities. A rather one dimensional human if you will. 

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Networking is very important in a person’s life. It’s not only about knowing new people, but important people as well. One gets the opportunity to work for them, learn things from the way they work, participate in different programs they organize, and everything else that develops personality. 

And believe me this is going to help a lot in the days to come. For instance, I went to a debate tournament without knowing a thing about debates some months ago. Despite loathing speaking among mass at first, I actually came to enjoy it later. This led me to get in touch with a debating organization, which further polished my confidence in public speaking. Several doors opened. The members helped me to reach places I never would’ve imagined before. 

When I look back at myself about a year ago, I feel at ease thinking that I realized what everyone need to realize on time. There obviously are people who are okay with the life they have been living, but there will come a certain turn in their lives where they will face something they haven’t experienced yet.

There are so many things one needs to experience to understand life in its true sense. I hope it happens sooner than later for those who haven’t realized it yet. 

The world is a bigger place than we label it to be.

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