Although the government has built 4,196 suspension bridges in the last 40 years, the areas where the fatalities due to twin rope contraption crossing are high have not received much attention. The government’s policy of building suspension bridges and improved twin rope devices only in places where the number of beneficiaries are high or areas that enjoy political patronage or influence is a grave injustice to the people of the mid-western and far-western Nepal who are forced to use the risky twin rope contraption for river crossings. Even in ‘New Nepal’, the people of these hilly areas are being discriminated against. For instance: Out of 300 suspension bridges under construction across the country at present, only 50 bridges are being built in the hard-hit areas of the aforementioned districts.
We maintain that all Nepali citizens no matter where they live in the country are entitled to the same benefits from the state and no government should favor one area based on economic viability and number of beneficiaries. It is also the duty of the political leaders who represent these districts to demand the suspension bridges for their electorates from the government. That is the least that they can do.
With the rainy season fast approaching, it is high time that the government is serious regarding the sufferings of the villagers and allocates enough budget to at least improve the standards of the twin rope contraption, and at the same time start thinking of a safer solution, ie, constructing suspension bridges in these areas by coordinating with NGOs, INGOs and other donor agencies. Building bridges, besides safety, serves another purpose—it helps in bringing people together and will also result in economic development of the backward hill districts. In Nepal, there are plenty of areas that pose formidable topographical challenges thus putting people living in such places at a huge disadvantage. Building suspension bridges can be that little step to lessen their hardships.