My Republica

Binayak Sundas

Binayak Sundas is the Assistant Professor at Centre for Himalayan Studies, University of North Bengal, Siliguri

Why national unification day and Prithvi Narayan Shah should not be celebrated

Published On: January 14, 2021 07:00 AM NPT By: Binayak Sundas

The demand for the monarchy's restoration and the desire to reinstate the importance of Prithvi Narayan Shah and national unification day is a desire to revert to an era where both caste and cultural dominance had the overt backing of the state.

“I am not angry at what happened to Nabaraj. I am scared that it will happen to me.”

Published On: December 9, 2020 08:00 AM NPT By: Binayak Sundas

Those fighting for justice for Nabaraj and his friends must continue the struggle. Young Dalits must fight for equitable education and become a voice that will change the structures from within.

Nawaraj: The spark that will light the fire

Published On: June 10, 2020 12:31 PM NPT By: Binayak Sundas

In the last few weeks there have been two deaths that have shocked their respective nations. George Flyod who was killed in cold blood by a police officer in Minneapolis and Navaraj BK who was lynched in west Rukum in Nepal. These were not acts of mindless violence but rather part of a systematic violence meant to keep an order and quell any threat to it. Unarmed Flyod was considered to be a threat to three armed police officers as one of them chocked him to death, despite his screams for help and Navaraj whose act of walking to his lover’s house was considered to be too great a threat that he and his friends needed to be beaten, chased and then drowned in the river. They were both threatening  a system, a mindset that is so afraid that it will not tolerate even a semblance of resistance and change, a system and mindset that created a certain establishment that has been working for centuries.  As such both were killed long before their murderers even lifted a finger, their deaths were ordained centuries before they were even born. These were two institutional murders that have demonstrated the continuing existence and perhaps the thriving of two ancient and deep seated prejudices in human civilization: Caste and race.

Where is my home?

Published On: April 21, 2018 12:30 AM NPT By: Binayak Sundas

There are those Nepalis in India who are from Nepal and hold Nepali citizenship and then there are others who live in India and hold Indian citizenship

Cult of a king

Published On: January 16, 2018 01:30 AM NPT By: Binayak Sundas

If yardstick of nationalism is continuously held up against Prithvinarayan Shah he will always come up short, especially in the face of historical data and research.

The Gorkha Empire

Published On: August 9, 2017 01:30 AM NPT By: Binayak Sundas

The concept of ‘unification of Nepal’ with Prithvi Narayan Shah as the hero who unified Nepal began to take root after the Shah restoration of 1951.

City upon a hill

Published On: July 15, 2017 01:17 AM NPT By: Binayak Sundas

To say Nepal has strong relations with Darjeeling is an understatement. Ethnically and linguistically, Nepal and Darjeeling are one unit