My Republica

Narayan Manandhar

The contributor for Republica.

Dancing with Deuba

Published On: July 21, 2024 08:30 AM NPT By: Narayan Manandhar

There is an astrological predicament: Deuba becoming PM for the seventh time. He has already served five terms; two more terms to go. This has become a popular joke, cynicism, or even a criticism of Deuba.

The Challenges of NC-UML Coalition

Published On: July 13, 2024 08:40 AM NPT By: Narayan Manandhar

Earlier (24 March, Republica), I wrote about the possibility of the NC-UML coalition. My personal view was or is that we should not and must not strive for such a coalition. This is against the democratic values because it will weaken the opposition in parliament. And in the long run, it may be detrimental to the country and democracy.

What’s wrong with Prachanda?

Published On: July 6, 2024 07:42 AM NPT By: Narayan Manandhar

Within a week, after PM Prachanda claimed to have “a magic number”, it seems to have vanished, as often happens in magic shows, in the thin air. What went wrong with him? Wasn't he cocksure ruling the country for five years? Late Dr. Harka Gurung used to say, “In Nepali politics what is real is invisible, what is visible is ritual”.

The Magic Number

Published On: June 29, 2024 09:20 AM NPT By: Narayan Manandhar

After returning home, shaking PM Modi’s hand in India, Mr. Uthal-Puthal (20 March, Republica) seems to be on a kind of steroid.

Mister Terminator

Published On: June 21, 2024 08:45 AM NPT By: Narayan Manandhar

Balen Shah is seeking to become more newar than newars of Kathmandu

The Process of Political Polarization in Nepal

Published On: May 31, 2024 08:40 AM NPT By: Narayan Manandhar

Nepal’s internal politics is all about triangular fights transforming into bi-polar fights leading to a win-lose situation. When there are more than two parties involved in a dispute situation, it becomes more complicated to have a decisive win-lose situation. The outcome often involves an impasse or a prolonged transition period. However, the polarization process reduces a multi-party conflict into a bipartite one, making a possibility for a quick resolution.

The Arrival of Communist Panchayat System

Published On: May 23, 2024 08:00 AM NPT By: Narayan Manandhar

It is not possible to classify political parties into war-tight compartments due to several grey-areas and possibility of grass-hopping MPs.

Operatives on Cooperatives

Published On: May 19, 2024 08:30 AM NPT By: Narayan Manandhar

Now, the word “thug” is synonymous to cooperative business, if not the image of a specific political leader.

What is the possibility of NC-UML alliance?

Published On: March 24, 2024 09:00 AM NPT By: Narayan Manandhar

Irked by PM PK Dahal’s frequent and unpredictable u-turns in forming and abandoning alliances; together with condescending statements coming from NC stalwarts to form alliance with UML, there is a kind of speculation on the air about possible NC-UML coalition. Except the NC-UML coalition, almost all possible options have been tested. What remains to be seen is the coalition between NC and UML - the two big political parties.

Mr. Uthal-puthal in doldrums

Published On: March 20, 2024 08:30 AM NPT By: Narayan Manandhar

During his first parliamentary test in January 2023, PM Dahal secured 99% of the votes. He boasted this as a historical, unprecedented event in Nepali politics. During the second test in February 2023, it plummeted down to 64%. Now the figure stands at 59%. There is more of a puthal (downward movement) than an uthal (upward movement) in the vote of confidence.

End of Prachanda

Published On: March 11, 2024 09:00 AM NPT By: Narayan Manandhar

It will be stupidity to talk about communist unity sans Madhav Kumar Nepal. Seeking to have Nepal and Oli in one place will be like mixing oil with water. And Rabi Lamichhane is another character to manage. Realizing the possible hurdles Prachanda is proposing for dubai haat ma ladoo concept, ie, PM to hold both home and finance ministerial portfolios.

The state of State Capture

Published On: March 5, 2024 08:32 AM NPT By: Narayan Manandhar

Ever since the Maoists joined mainstream politics, two Nepali phrases, namely, naya satta and satta kabja are in vogue. Basically, the implied meaning of the phrases is to have a new regime (naya satta) replaced by capturing an old state (satta kabja)

On Bansbari Leather and Shoe Factory

Published On: February 8, 2024 08:30 AM NPT By: Narayan Manandhar

With the CBI taking Arun Chaudhary, a renowned businessman, and Ajit N. S. Thapa, the then chairman of Bansbari Leather and Shoe Factory (BLSF), into custody related to usurping 10 ropanies of government land belonging to the BLSF, there are lots of mis-information and dis-information campaign going on, particularly, in the social media either to defend the CBI action or to defame Chaudhary.

Nepal’s tryst with Corruption Perceptions

Published On: February 1, 2024 09:00 AM NPT By: Narayan Manandhar

The publication of Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) 2023 marks 20 years of Nepal’s enlistment in global league of corruption perceptions index. Transparency International (TI) started publishing CPI from 1995 onwards, but Nepal got enlisted only from 2004. This is because there were not enough surveys organized for Nepal.

Selling Ncell

Published On: December 15, 2023 08:30 AM NPT By: Narayan Manandhar

In the shivering winter cold, the decision by Axiata to exit from Nepal has created a heated debate amongst Kathmandu-centric intellectuals (politicians, lawyers, academics, activists and former bureaucrats). However, there is more smoke than fire and/or light in the emotionally charged debate. At the one end of the spectrum, the ultra-nationalistic adrenaline is running high calling how the country is being duped by foreigners and is put on sale. At the other end, pragmatic calls are made not to irritate and disturb foreign direct investment (FDI).

Inside-Outside the Corridors of Power

Published On: December 9, 2023 09:00 AM NPT By: Narayan Manandhar

Don’t judge a book by its cover. This phrase aptly applies to Dr. Bhek Bahadur Thapa’s memoire in Nepali Rastra-Pararastra: Ektantradekhi Ganatantrasamma. My English translation will read like Internal-External: From Autocracy to Republicanism.

Illogical logics and raja-badies

Published On: December 2, 2023 08:45 AM NPT By: Narayan Manandhar

The royalists still believe that monarchy was unceremoniously abolished through street demonstrations and agitations, instigated by foreigners. For them even the Constitution is drafted by foreign hands.

Moral Dilemma and Israel’s Hostage Crisis

Published On: November 23, 2023 09:00 AM NPT By: Narayan Manandhar

In the text books on negotiation, the standard operating procedure dealing with hostage situations is a straight-forward refusal. One cannot be dictated by kidnapping, blackmailing and held on to a ransom. However, where human lives are involved, in a life and death situation, contingencies may demand a different approach.

Is there an alternative to a two-state solution?

Published On: November 20, 2023 09:00 AM NPT By: Narayan Manandhar

The military structure of Hamas may be crushed or eliminated but the intractable political problems remain intact.

Israel-Hamas War and Nepal

Published On: October 29, 2023 09:00 AM NPT By: Narayan Manandhar

More than 260,000 Nepalese currently work in Qatar alone. A slight diplomatic slip with Qatar, which is reported to house Hamas HQ, means a foreign policy and economic disaster in Nepal.