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My City


I’m dragged deep down. The one whom I believed most took off my crown.

I’m dragged deep down.

The one whom I believed most took off my crown.

Now nobody’s there for my company.

No one’s there showing humanity to me.

Though thought to get better in every breath.

But everybody from me want to get rid.

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Everybody’s leaving me, making me go astray.

Mind symphonized, body strengthened though I’m fading away.

Nowhere to go, nobody’s to embrace.

My life seems to have nobody’s grace.

But I’m not tired of my living.

Though I’ll fade away, I’ll make myself a phenomenal being.

Each betray has taught me a good lesson.

“Damn care betrayers, improve yourself and your nation.”

Now I have grown friendly with this aloneness.

I have learned to live my life despite of my dullness.

And one day, I’ll be standing on hall of fame.

As enlightenment has pierced me that life’s a game.

Karki is a Grade X student at Sathya Sai Shiksha Sadan, Tokha.

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