The Week Bureau

Published On: December 16, 2016 03:48 AM NPT By: The Week Bureau

Zumba toning strength and sweat session

Zumba toning strength and sweat session

Zumba has earned quite the popularity for being the workout class that functions more like a dance party. What’s more, the results of zumba workout don’t disappoint. So it’s no wonder that zumba centers are mushrooming all over Nepal, especially Kathmandu. Now to add to its craze, there is a new offshoot to the original form of exercise. Dilip Sawod from United Fitness & Dance Studio is one of the few instructors in Kathmandu who has been trying to bring zumba toning to the forefront. After taking training classes in Delhi, he is helping zumba enthusiasts add more variety to their workout.  Though the craze has caught on abroad, this trend is only slowly picking up here in our country. His regular clientele are apparently already big fans of this form of workout but for those still oblivious to this form of zumba exercise, trainer Dilip is here to help break it down.

What makes zumba toning different?

The class fuses the hip- and booty-shaking that you love in zumba with toning staples like leg lifts, lunges, squats, bicep curls, and shoulder and tricep work. Your heart rate stays up because of the mixing of toning and dance cardio.

In a nut shell, the main difference between a regular zumba class and a zumba toning class is the addition and focus on strength training exercises within the dances, as well as the addition of toning sticks. This type of class will give you the aerobic workout you know and expect from regular zumba classes, plus works on circuit training (a few minutes of cardio followed by a few minutes of strength training) which creates a slightly higher calorie burn than strength training alone and offers some cardiovascular exercise because after all, it is still zumba.

Trainer Dilip does note that the effectiveness of the exercise also depends on the client. Any class can help burn 500 to 1000 calories but the level of success depends on how committed one is during the hour long session. 

What are toning sticks?

The zumba toning sticks are a pair of light weights that are typically used during a zumba toning class. They are filled with sand that allows you to shake the weight without the movement being jarring to the body which can happen if you use a regular dumbbell. They are soft (so easy to hold on to) and some even tend to make sounds like a maraca when you shake them. 

You can use light hand weights instead of the toning sticks in a zumba toning class, but because hand weights are hard metal (as opposed to the flowing sand that is inside the toning sticks) you won’t be able to do all of the moves and if we were to be honest, the fun factor goes down a few degrees as well.

Is this workout for me?

As with any type of workout, zumba toning is not for everyone. If you have any known medical or physical conditions you should consult your physician before undertaking any new or different exercise program.  He or she knows your situation best and can advise you whether a zumba toning class is appropriate for you or not.

As it is, zumba toning exercises are recommended to be done only twice a week so that it doesn’t become overwhelming for the body. Trainer Dilip suggests that those interested mix up these classes with other forms of trainings as well for optimum results.
Still assuming you are a healthy and injury-free individual who loves going to Zumba – does that mean zumba toning will be a good fit for you?  Not necessarily.  Zumba toning requires a whole new level of coordination and stamina. Trainer Dilip, for instance, makes his clients workout throughout the hour long session without any long breaks. If you are interested in attending a zumba toning class, your first step should be evaluating your fitness level. Taking up regular zumba classes before you incorporate zumba toning into your workout regime might be a good idea.

Zumba workout elements
While the zumba philosophy is “Ditch the workout – join the party!”, zumba workouts, including zumba toning, is aimed at sculpting and strengthening the entire body. Besides being dynamic and exciting, different forms of zumba are effective fitness routines. Elements of a zumba fitness class include interval training, resistance training, cardio workout, calorie burning, fat burning, and body toning. It uses these principles to maximize the results of a workout.  


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