Ashween Neupane

The writer is currently doing Diploma in Business from Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India.

Published On: December 2, 2016 11:45 PM NPT By: Ashween Neupane

What is your life?

What is your life?

What is life? Is it a symphony of happiness? A ballad of misery? Or just a sonata made of equal parts both? I have often asked myself this question. Yet the answer I wish to find eludes me like so many things in life. I get confused. The sights and sound of the world makes me feel delusional, lost to be more precise.

I wonder and wander in search of the ultimate question: “what is life? “

Being alive is much more than the simple act of breathing. Many people go through their lives without even living it. They are limited by basic things. But there are people who take risks, do jaw dropping acts and live at the edge. So should we play it safe and live? Or take risks and feel alive? A symphony, ballad or sonata may not be the best way to encase life but music is something we all can relate to. For any human emotion there is a tune. The slow melodies which clam, to the heavy metal that excites, music defines the lives and emotions of people. So, put on your favorite melody and ask yourself, what is your life?

Ashween is currently doing Diploma in Business from LPU, Punjab, India.

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