Published On: June 12, 2016 06:23 PM NPT

Toddler dies after litchi seed stuck in throat

DHANKUTA, June 12: A toddler here died after a litchi stone stuck in his throat.

Jivan Limbu from Gothgaon of Dhankuta municipality-3 lost his two year old son Sanam, as the latter could not swallow the litchi.

Neighbour Badri Mishra informed that the peeled off litchi given to the child by his mother was found stuck in the threat, asphyxiating the child.

The child had breathed his last before he was brought to the Dhankuta District Hospital, said the Hospital.

Doctor Chunu Darnal confirmed that the litchi stone was jammed on child's throat stopping the respiration. RSS

toddler, dies, litchi, seed, stuck, throat,

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