The Week Bureau

Published On: August 18, 2016 09:00 PM NPT By: The Week Bureau

The suffocating state

The concerned authority has given their side of the story. They have their own set of reasons for failing to control the capital’s air pollution resulting from vehicular emission. However, they also have concerns about the public’s apathy for this issue. If the citizens are also suffering from the vehicle emissions, why aren’t they letting their grievances be known? Perhaps some pressure on the government would finally bring about some reforms. The Week had a few people raise their voices on this issue.

Shruti Dhungel

I live in Koteshwor and I mostly travel on bikes. You can’t imagine what a nightmare it is. The road is in such a bad state that by the time I reach office, I’m covered in dust. Add to that all the buses that ply on Ring Road and I can’t even open my eyes because of all the smoke and dust particles. I wonder how vehicles that leave a cloud of black smoke in their wake have been allowed to run on the roads. It’s appalling to see the green sticker stuck on their windscreens. Are the authorities blind or simply corrupt?

I’m actually breathing foul air every single day so I’m concerned about my health as well. But the sad thing is we can complain and vent our frustrations and concerns but nothing will shake the government into action. I think the authorities don’t realize that, in the long run, the vehicle emission and incomplete road construction projects will have repercussions that will harm them as well. So it’s high time they paid attention to air pollution and seriously tackled the issues that are causing this grave problem.

Rajendra Nath Shrestha

The worst part of living in a polluted city is that you unfortunately become used to it. I have lived by the main road all my life. I remember the days when this wasn’t a problem at all.

However, as the number of vehicles has increased, we have witnessed the air pollution take over our house as well. The smell of dust and smog linger inside the house. Despite sweeping and brushing the rooms every single day, the furniture is always covered in dust. I’m certain that my family and I will have to face some severe health repercussions in the future. However, we’ve surrendered ourselves to that fate. There isn’t much we can do about this. The air pollution problem is too huge.

At this stage, everybody needs to come together and own up to his/her responsibilities. I feel like it’s too late to pass the blame around. We must all do whatever we can to tackle this air pollution problem. The concerned government authority must take care of the rules, regulations and its implementation. I think we are all aware that the green sticker policy is a joke. We can’t afford to run such crucial protocols in this careless manner. The public too can show their support by making sure that they are taking the necessary steps to clear the air. I think everybody is suffering at the same rate and would obviously like to see some changes. If people aren’t publicly lobbying for action against air pollution, it is because like me, they too have become used to the poor state of the capital’s air.

Shova Oli

The deteriorating state of Kathmandu’s air makes me feel depressed every single day. I use a scooter to commute back and forth from work. Even on the mornings that I’m feeling positive and looking forward to working and having a productive day, the journey on the road inevitably spoils the mood. Sometimes I lose track of the number of times I get smoke blown in my face. I sincerely believe that vehicle emission is the main reason we have such air pollution problems in the capital. Since I’m a nurse, I see the effects it has had on people every single day. But I’m running out of suggestions that might help them protect themselves from all this pollution. Even the masks have stopped working.

Ideally, every vehicle owner should be a little aware and make sure that their vehicles are in good condition and not contributing to emission. However, since we have already seen that our society lacks such civic sense, I don’t see the point of relying on the public alone. Personally, I doubt that I alone can even have an impact. The government must realize its part here. Take strong actions and be severe with the punishments, if necessary. If they have to ban certain vehicles from the road or charge heavy fines to some drivers, then they should. In the end, we shall all benefit.

Sushank Kumar Yadav

I have to commute a lot on a daily basis for my classes and internship and, because of Kathmandu roads, that is a big hassle. Not only are the roads muddy and dusty, there is so much of smoke and dust in the air that you are bound to be covered in grime every time you head out of home.I don’t wear masks or glasses so my eyes and throat are often irritated. That’s not all, I’m also concerned about the suspended particles in the air and the health repercussions they can have in the long run.

We have been hearing about air pollution for so long but nothing has been done about it. It is just getting worse by the day. I think the very I/NGOs that talk about air pollution should see to it that they become role models by reducing their vehicle emissions. I believe that can be a great start. Then the government should definitely do its part by implementing strong rules and policies to curb vehicular emission. All the concerned parties, including the public, should work hand in hand to deal with this problem.


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