Suresh Yadav

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Published On: July 3, 2016 11:57 AM NPT By: Suresh Yadav

Tension grips Janakpur over leaders’ arrest

Tension grips Janakpur over leaders’ arrest

JANAKPUR, July 3: A vehicular strike has been enforced at Pidari Chowk in the city on Sunday demanding to release CPN (Maoist Center) Central Leader Ram Chandra Mandal and other cadres of CPN (Maoist Center), Nepali Congress (NC) and Federal Socialist Forum Nepal (FSFN).

Tension gripped the city after a clash was ensued between two sides following disputes over formation of a school management committee at Janata High School in Janakpur-14 turned ugly.

Police had arrested nine persons including Mandal after they targeted the house of outing chairman of the committee and NC leader Ram Baran Paswan yesterday night. The law enforcement agency has accused that the arrestees manhandled Paswan and also the police personnel.

Cadres of CPN (Maoist Center), NC and FSFN are protesting at Pidari Chowk by burning tires.

They have demanded to take immediate action against the District Police Chief and unconditional release of their leaders.

School buses are the most hit due to the sudden transport strike.

janakpur, tension,

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