Arya Kharel

Published On: December 14, 2016 07:00 AM NPT By: Arya Kharel

Students should be at the heart of education system

Students should be at the heart of education system

Nepal’s education system needs radical reform. Our system focuses on just the scores than practical knowledge. Just measuring scores of an individual hinders one’s progress and psychology. We need more of an experiential learning.

Our society is continually changing and work environment is demanding. This means we have to focus on excellence and equity in education. We need to be cognizant of various possibilities of using concepts and methods to study complex patterns of direction and strategies to facilitate the introduction of viable and successful changes in education.
Our education system should smartly integrate self-directed learning and specific learning. The significant increase in cross-fertilization of ideas and research leads to innovation in education.

Our government should emphasize on technical and practical education rather than just focusing on the theory. We should prioritize student performance as a major goal of education. They should provide national performance standard guidelines for each subject to each school and allow them to select textbooks on their own.  

Previously the educational system was more teacher-centered and the students were passive recipients. The learning achievements were measured by standardized tests. For an education system to be of top quality, it must be student-centered and interactive learning achievements should be assessed by a variety of evaluation tools such as self-evaluation in parallel to teacher evaluation. 

Arya is a high school student at St.Mary’s High School.

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