The Week Bureau

Published On: November 4, 2016 02:57 AM NPT By: The Week Bureau



Road trips with your friends or alone is one of the best ways to experience any place you may be exploring. There are, however, a few things you should pack before you set out on a road trip. 

The first thing you should do is make sure that you don’t get locked out of the car; pack a duplicate set of car and house keys in a separate bag. Double-check your trunk for a complete roadside emergency kit, including a flashlight and fresh batteries. 

Make sure you pack your favorite bed pillows and blankets to soothe everyone on the journey. Whether it’s a child’s security blanket or a pillow for the passenger seat navigator, a soft cushion can go a long way to make a cold car cozy. Even if you are traveling during the day time when the weather is warm, make sure you have a jumper or a jacket readily available in case a storm rolls in or the temperature drops unexpectedly. Additionally, to treat road-trip aches, nicks, and scrapes, pack a plastic bag full of items like anti-bacterial cream, bandages, pain relievers, and motion sickness medicine. 

Make sure you pack paper towels, toilet paper, a box of tissues, wet wipes, and some garbage bags when you set out for a trip, especially if you are traveling with children. Bring a lot more than you think you’ll need, there’s always the possibility of car sickness in addition to the normal spills and the usual cleanup. Wet wipes can go a long way to make you feel fresh while on the road. 

When setting out, make sure you bring along a travel charger for your cell phone and other electronic devices. You do not want to be navigating and suddenly run out of battery. Also if you are navigating and don’t have an idea of where the roads lead to, always pack a map with you in addition to downloading the offline version of the map. You never know when the signal for the phone or the electronic device may turn against you.

When packing your bags, don’t forget to pack non perishable food and lots of bottles of drinking water. You don’t want to be stuck in the middle of nowhere with not a drop of drinking water in sight. Along with chips, crackers, chocolate bars, and granola bars, make sure you also pack healthy food like apples and oranges to cut through the heavy feeling that is left over from the junk food. 

 Last, but not the least, always check to make sure that you have all your papers in order before you set out on a road trip. Make sure that your license, insurance papers and blue books aren’t going to expire during the duration of your travel.


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