Janak KC

Published On: October 5, 2016 09:40 PM NPT By: Janak KC

Jajarkot NFC depot runs out of rice

Jajarkot NFC depot runs out of rice

JAJARKOT, Oct 5: The festive mood in Jajarkot district has been dampened as the rice depot in the district has run out of stock in the midst of Dashain festival.

Locals of four VDCs in the district will be left without rice as there is not a single grain of rice in the depot of Nayakwada, which serves locals of Nayakwada, Sakla, Rokayagaun and Ramidanda VDCs. The VDCs are reeling under an acute shortage of rice with Dashain festivities going on.

Although the government had allocated a quota of 1,000 quintals of rice for the district, the supply has not yet reached the depot. Employees from the Nepal Food Corporation (NFC) have returned to the district headquarters in the hopes of getting the supply of rice replenished for the district.

“Locals reaching the depot return empty-handed,” said Gorakh Bahadur Singh, a local teacher at Nayakdanda-based Aishwarya Secondary School. “This problem is bound to spoil the festive mood,” he added.

According to Ram Prasad Paudel, acting chief of NFC, the depot had 88 quintal and 50 kg of rice just two days ago. “However, the depot ran out of stock after locals of all four VDCs increased their demands at once in view of the festival,” he added.

"Although there is 2,400 quintal of rice in Khalanga, the district headquarters," Paudel said. "It is not possible to transport the rice to the depot before the festival ends."


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