Published On: December 4, 2016 02:54 PM NPT

'Gender-based discrimination for lack of coordination among ministries'

KATHMANDU, Dec 4: Minister for Education, Dhaniram Poudel, has said that gender-based discrimination has been seen for lack of coordination among ministries. 

Inaugurating the two-day National Conference on 'Girl Education and Gender Equality' organized by the Department of Education here today, Minister Poudel stressed the need of coordination among ministries for gender equality. 

He also expressed the view that an environment for building girl-friendly school should be created. Minister Poudel said, "The number of girl students is less in higher education as compared to boys. It is necessary to increase the number of girl students in higher education." 

Director General at the Department, Baburam Poudel, said that the conference was organized to develop collaboration and coordination in different programs launched by different ministries related to girl students and gender equality. 

A total of 160 employees of Education, Health, Women, Children and Social Welfare, Youth and Sports and Federal Affairs and Local Development Ministries are participating in the conference. RSS 


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