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Published On: June 11, 2016 02:20 PM NPT By: Republica

Come with fixed agendas, govt will address your demands: PM Oli to agitating parties

Come with fixed agendas, govt will address your demands: PM Oli to agitating parties

BIRATNAGAR, June 11: Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has said that the government is ready to address the demands of the disgruntled parties on Saturday.

Inaugurating  Tarini Prasad Koirala Smriti Sanchargram in Biratnagar today, Oli said the government will address the demands of the agitating parties if they come to a dialogue with logical agendas. "Put forth your clear-cut demands mentioning the Articles of the Constitution, the government will address them," Oli said, claiming that the Constitution has not discriminated anyone in the country.

Meanwhile, Oli has also accused the agitating parties of raising intangible demands saying that they have been constantly maintaining that the government fulfill demands of all the disgruntled parties. "It is not good to raise such intangible demands. Come to a dialogue with tangible and fixed demands which Articles should be amended".

Oli claimed that the Constitution has ensured the rights of all women, Madhesi, Janajatis, backward communities and marginalized groups through the quota system.

PM also stressed on the need to develop efficiency of an individual rather than promoting reservation for the marginalized communities, giving examples that such quota system will make people only 'non-gazetted second and first class officers but not competent, efficient and skilled staffers'. 

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