Dipendra Thapa

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Published On: January 6, 2019 02:18 PM NPT By: Dipendra Thapa

An unknown “girl”

An unknown “girl”

In this world full of coy, stupid, ugly, and boring people, among others

I feel blessed to get to know Cindrella through Facebook

She talks to me and, may be, with many others

But why her talks mean so much to me?

Her messages, although full of emotions, are often misunderstood because of the oftentimes used f-words

Her words implicitly states that she is veracious, and that is why I like her the most

“Who is she to me? Why I am absolutely mad for her?”

Hunts me day and night and sticks me to Facebook for “hours”

Our relationship is like a conspiracy in which I am already plotted as her best friend, obviously, someone else’s enemy

Everything happened in virtual world, but still she is, as long as she refuses to meet, an unknown “girl” to me.

unknown, girl,

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