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Yeti Airlines offers free tickets for bridal couples for wedding procession

In addition to complimentary tickets for the bride and groom, passengers traveling under this offer will also receive an additional 5 kg baggage allowance, the press release stated.  

KATHMANDU, Feb 12:  Yeti Airlines has introduced the 'Yetima Janti' scheme, offering free air tickets to couples traveling on their wedding procession, the company said in a press release.

The scheme, launched to encourage air travel for the wedding season, will be available throughout the month of Falgun (mid-February to mid-March). In addition to complimentary tickets for the bride and groom, passengers traveling under this offer will also receive an additional 5 kg baggage allowance, the press release stated.  

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According to Yeti Airlines, the initiative aims to promote the tradition of celebrating wedding processions with air travel while providing additional benefits to passengers.


See more on: Yeti Airlines
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