KATHMANDU, Aug 16: The government has increased the fare of public transport. Along with the increase in the price of petroleum products by Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC), the Department of Transport Management (DoTM) has revised fare rates for passenger and cargo vehicles for inter-provincial public transport.
According to the specified fare, the fare of passenger vehicles has increased by 4.70 percent. The price of cargo vehicles operating on mountain roads has increased by 6.15 percent and the price of cargo vehicles operating on Terai roads has increased by 6.83 percent.
DoTM reduces fare of public vehicles

The revised fare has been implemented from today. According to the DoTM, this fare will be applicable only to public transport operating in two or more provinces or at the national level.
According to the DoTM, after the NOC repeatedly increased the price of diesel by Rs 21 per liter since July 17, it has been decided to increase the fare according to the Automated Pricing System (APC). On Tuesday only, the price of petrol was increased by Rs 5 per liter and those of diesel and kerosene by Rs 14 per liter.