KATHMANDU, July 31: As many as 3,779,932 people have received their first shot of COVID-19 vaccines and 1,621,754 people have been fully vaccinated in Nepal as of Friday, according to the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP).
As the government plans to administer COVID-19 vaccines to all eligible populations by mid-March, 2022, Nepal is set to receive millions of doses of COVID-19 vaccines-- both through procurement and donations-- from various countries in the world. Government officials say all people seeking COVID-19 vaccines will be able to receive the shots without any hassles within the next few months.
India, southern neighbor of Nepal with which Nepal shares an open border, has so far provided a grant of 1.1 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines (Covishield). Likewise, China has provided 1.8 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines (Vero cell). The country also received almost 1.6 million doses of J&J vaccines from the United States of America recently. Nepal received 348,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines (Covishield) from COVAX facility.
China to provide additional 300,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines...

In addition to this, Nepal purchased 1 million doses of Covishield vaccines from Serum Institute of India and 4 million doses of Vero cell vaccines from Senopham Company of China.
While Nepal is all set to purchase an additional 6 million doses of Vero cell vaccines from the northern neighbor, Japan has announced a grant of 1.6 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines to Nepal. In addition to this, Nepal is expected to receive 1 million doses of Covishield vaccine that was purchased from India anytime soon.
Officials at the MoHP said Nepal has already initiated the process to procure 10.5 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines in coordination with the COVAX facility. Additionally, the government has initiated to procure 6 million doses of Pfizer vaccines to be administered for children above 12 years.
The COVAX has announced to provide COVID-19 vaccines enough to vaccinate 20 percent of the population of Nepal which accounts for 10.13 million doses. The government has also granted permission to private sectors to procure COVID-19 vaccines.