Kunga Hyolmo
Kunga Hyolmo
Hyolmo has been working with Republica Online as junior correspondent since November 2019.
The real ‘Gaijatra’: Sheer stupidity on display
The real ‘Gaijatra’: Sheer stupidity on display

KATHMANDU, August 24: Huge public gatherings were witnessed in the Bhaktapur Durbar Square area on Monday as people celebrating the Gaijatra festival flooded the area. In normal days, the scene would have been usual but at a time when the country is devastated by the second wave of COVID-19 triggere...
Aug 24, 2021

SOCIETY, Coronavirus
Nepal speeds up vaccination drive as 3rd COVID wave hovers around
Nepal speeds up vaccination drive as 3rd COVID wave hovers a...

KATHMANDU, August 8: Nepal has been administering COVID-19 vaccines to more than 150,000 people a day on average over the past few days.
Aug 08, 2021

What experts could be missing about causes of Helambu-Melamchi floods and landslides
What experts could be missing about causes of Helambu-Melamc...

KATHMANDU, August 6: Bremathang -- the area in the uplands of Helambu that is said to be the origin of the devastating landslides and floods of June 15 in Helambu Rural Municipality and Melamchi Municipality -- was once a grassland, a holy pilgrimage site for Tibetan buddhists, and a meditation cent...
Aug 06, 2021

Govt decision to conduct Grade 12 board exams physically amid pandemic triggers huge outcr...
Govt decision to conduct Grade 12 board exams physically ami...

“Previously, similar gatherings were witnessed at vaccination centers and most of the people who are being admitted due to COVID-19 infection these days are among those who visited such centers.”
Aug 05, 2021

SOCIETY, Latest Updates, Coronavirus
Teku Hospital, TUTH chock-full with COVID patients; ICUs, HDUs, wards filled with infected...
Teku Hospital, TUTH chock-full with COVID patients; ICUs, HD...

KATHMANDU, August 1: In an alarming case, all beds at the Intensive Care Units (ICUs), High Dependency Units (HDUs), emergencies and wards of the hospitals in Kathmandu are once again full with COVID-19 patients once again.
Aug 01, 2021

SOCIETY, Latest Updates
VIDEO: Helambu likely to suffer food, medical crisis as last bridge of Helambu-Melamchi co...
VIDEO: Helambu likely to suffer food, medical crisis as last...

KATHMANDU, August 1: A fresh flood has occurred in the Melamchi River yet again. Following incessant rain on Saturday, the flood struck the region on Sunday morning, sweeping away the ‘Rato Pul’ along with 12 houses and tarp settlements damaged by the previous floods.
Aug 01, 2021

He makes money in Wall Street and feeds poor people and stray animals in ‘main streets’
He makes money in Wall Street and feeds poor people and stra...

KATHMANDU, July 31: Navaneet Koirala, CEO and Founder of Koirala Capital LLC, and President and Founder of K Foundation Global Inc, currently studying Corporate and Personal Finance at Harvard University, can be best described as a social worker, who has made innumerable contributions to society.
Jul 31, 2021

SOCIETY, Coronavirus
Nepal set to receive millions of doses of vaccines as govt plans to inoculate all populati...
Nepal set to receive millions of doses of vaccines as govt p...

KATHMANDU, July 31: As many as 3,779,932 people have received their first shot of COVID-19 vaccines and 1,621,754 people have been fully vaccinated in Nepal as of Friday, according to the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP).
Jul 31, 2021

SOCIETY, Coronavirus
Lack of vaccination, tests creates room for variants in Nepal
Lack of vaccination, tests creates room for variants in Nepa...

Nepal is very much likely to witness devastation of a higher level than that of the second wave in the coming days, if effective steps are not taken to stem the further spread of the variants of COVID-19 in the country, warn experts
Jul 30, 2021

SOCIETY, Coronavirus
Nepal’s COVID-19 vaccination drive focused mainly on Bagmati as cases see a sharp rise in...
Nepal’s COVID-19 vaccination drive focused mainly on Bagmati...

KATHMANDU, July 26: As of Sunday, 1,398,178 people are fully vaccinated and 3,383,038 people have received a single dose of vaccine against the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Nepal, according to the latest data issued by the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP).
Jul 26, 2021