Weather to remain cloudy for three more days
KATHMANDU, March 27: Rainfall has been reported in Koshi, Bagmati, and Gandaki provinces since this morning, with the possibility of rainfall in other regions as well.
Heavy rainfall likely in Koshi, Bagmati, Gandaki and Lumbini

According to the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, there is a possibility of rainfall in the hilly areas of the far-western and mid-western regions from today.
There is a chance of light snowfall in one or two places of the high hilly and mountainous regions within these provinces and at one or two places of the Madhes province and the rest of the hilly regions in the next 24 hours.
Similarly, there is a possibility of light rain along with thunder and lightning at few places in hilly areas of Koshi, Bagmati and Gandaki provinces during night.
Furthermore, the Meteorological Forecasting Division under the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology has predicted light rain along with lightning for the next three days in the hilly regions of Koshi, Bagmati and Gandaki provinces.