KATHMANDU, Jan 26: Kathmandu’s minimum temperature increased on Sunday compared to Saturday.
According to the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, the minimum temperature in Kathmandu was recorded at 7.8 degrees Celsius at 5:45 am on Sunday. On Saturday, the minimum temperature was recorded at 5.4 degrees Celsius.
Meteorologist Pratibha Manandhar explained that the slight rise in the minimum temperature was due to ther cloudy sky over Kathmandu on Sunday morning.“The minimum temperature didn’t drop because of the morning clouds,” she said.
Minimum temperature of Kathmandu recorded at 3.4 degrees Celsiu...
She also mentioned that Kathmandu would experience partly cloudy skies throughout the day.
“There will be spells of sunshine and clouds, but there is no chance of rain,” Manandhar added.
The maximum temperature in Kathmandu today is expected to range between 21 to 23 degrees Celsius.
Weekly temperature fluctuations
A week ago, on the previous Sunday, Kathmandu’s minimum temperature was recorded at 5.4 degrees Celsius.
Since then, the daily minimum temperature has been recorded as follows: Monday at 4.4°C, Tuesday at 6°C, Wednesday at 6.6°C, Thursday at 6.2°C, Friday at 6.1°C, and Saturday at 5.4°C.