Kathmandu valley has the highest incidents of injuries, including those from road accidents."We have decided to provide PTC training to FCHVs," Achyut Lamichhane, chief of Kathmandu, DPHO said. He informed that over 100 FCHVs will get PTC training in the ongoing fiscal year.
According to Lamichhane, FCHVs will be trained to use local resources to prevent deaths and disabilities among injured people. The DPHO has already started providing PTC training to some FCHVs and has planned to impart training in three phases.
"We have already provided training to health workers and have started to train FCHVs," added Lamichhane. He informed that doctors at Ananda Ban Leprosy Hospital and Nepal Orthopedic Hospital, Jorpati have been providing training to the FCHVs. Doctors will also provide physiotherapy training to FCHVs.