Kathmandu, July 21: As many as 16 experts of Nepal Public Health Foundation have suggested to Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba 18 steps for preparations needed to tackle the risk of a third wave of COVID-19.
The list of experts who made the suggestions include Dr Mahesh Maskey, Kul Chandra Gautam, Dr Rita Thapa, Dr Badri Raj Pandey, Dr Arun Upreti, Dr Shiva Kumar Rai, Dr Chhatra Amatya, Dr Sharad Wanta, Dr Abhinav Vaidya, Dr Sameer Dixit, Dr Rajendra BC, Dr Tirtha Rana, Dr Lochana Shrestha, Dr Binjwala Shrestha, Dr Rajni Shah and Narayan Subedi. Their main suggestions to PM Deuba are as follows:
-There is a need to appoint a reliable, capable, qualified and honest person as the health minister and ensure his/her post even if the cabinet is reshuffled. In addition, the PM needs to direct the new minister to form a small team of doctors and public health experts to make decisions regarding the management of COVID-19.
-The government needs to increase the number of health institutions and manpowers in the health sector. It should start administering vaccines to people above the age of 18, differently abled and senior citizens in a systematic and safe way. The vaccination centers must be located in open spaces under tents without overcrowding the center.
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-Advanced training to health workers for awareness and preparation against COVID-19. There is a need for quarantine centers, medical equipment, oxygen and necessary facilities for infected patients. Furthermore, the number of beds, HDUs, ICUs, and ventilators in hospitals need to be increased. The need for effective contact tracing is suggested as well.
-Need for proper supervision and availability of proper facilities in holding centers along the border areas.
-Effective supply of medical oxygen to every ward and rural municipality to help the infected victims.
-There is a need to change private and medical colleges to COVID hospitals for the treatment of COVID-19 patients and minimize the mortality rate.
-Construct COVID hospital in every district inside the country with professional and trained health workers.
The experts have also suggested other steps for the prevention and control of COVID-19 to PM Deuba. Their concerns regarding the risk of a third wave is followed by the growing number of infections in neighboring countries, as well as the mass movement of the public without following any health and safety guidelines across the country.