Dear Monsoon
From the first rain,
you would have been waiting
on the balcony
looking at the way
which, would have disguised
already into the jungle’s color.
in front of your village.
When the shadow of lonely mountain
comes to visit your village
once in a day,
you might have been
regretting my absence every day.
When the waterless brooks
started to sing
the rainy song in our divine village,
you would have cried aloud leaning on the
tree of the hill, soaked with rain,
mingling your tears into rain
and cry into brook’s gorge.
Dear Monsoon,
I am also badly missing you
here in the city of crowds .
Where, no language is heard
except the language of money,
as the rainy water’s urgency to escape
across the cemented city,
the swarm of selfish people
huddle to escape
from each other’s eyes…
Dear monsoon,
I am missing the rice paddy,
godly people in muddy fields,
emeralds like green,
patient hills,
the hide and seek of earthy clouds…
and you…
looking at the rainy color in the city’s brook,
I mysteriously stretch
into you.
I every day witness
your serene music
watching above the sky,
which comes near every day riding the
black and white clouds.
I remember all the fruits
on rainy days,
we used to eat before the birds.
The windows where you
used to wait for me.
I know you might have tired waiting for me
in your window
and hanging your heart there
you would have forgotten
all the days to count.
I know, you would have finished
all our memories singing alone
with the rainy song
Dear monsoon,
wait till the next year dwelling around my village
I will return soon!
My Dear Valentine!