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The week


The Week

Making space for history

They say if you forget history, history will forget you. So if we had to, how could we document Nepal’s current history? The Week asked some history writers and professors about the aspects that they believe should be the main feature. Along the way, they also shared their opinion about the state of...
Sep 02, 2016
The Week

The clash of the titans

Some readers equate fantasy with hobbits and magic wardrobes. Others conjure images of wizards and witches. That’s the beauty of this genre that thrives on the creation of new worlds, species and systems. While everyone often has a favorite, fantasy fanatics seem to be unable to decide between Harry...
Sep 02, 2016
The Week

Momentum behind the musical legacy

For the past three months or so, Manoj KC’s life has revolved around the studio an d recording sessions. The 1974 AD guitarist calls it a musical hibernation. After all that hard work though, the band is ready to reap the fruits of their labor.
Sep 01, 2016
The Week

Working with weights

The primary concern women have when it comes to weight training is, ‘I don’t want to get big or bulky.’ In the past couple of articles, we discussed why women simply don’t run that risk. So with the hope that I have convinced you to take up weight training, I’m back with some pointers on how you can...
Sep 01, 2016
The Week

The bottled suspicions

These days, though, with consistent reports of the Department of Food and Technology and Quality Control’s (DFTQC) investigation and findings, Mahoto says that the pieces have started to fall in place.
Aug 26, 2016
The Week

Mentha: A conservation incentive

Kali Bahadur Oli is a resident of Mahadevpuri - 7, Banke in the Tarai Arc Landscape (TAL). Oli owns less than one hectare of land where he used to plant traditional crops such as maize and wheat to provide for his family of four.
Aug 26, 2016
The Week

The high school reunion

Most of our batch mates in the West had already acquired citizenship there and were no longer Nepali citizens. So, every time someone came from the US sporting a blue passport, word would get around town that the ‘Khaire’ from Texas or New York was in town and he wanted to hang out with his fellow...
Aug 26, 2016
The Week

This syndicated state

These syndicates through their actions block the exercise of free choice and we often end up settling for second choice, third choice or in the tragic case of the bus victims – the only choice.
Aug 26, 2016
The Week

Literary graphic novels

Some misinterpret graphic novels for picture books. They dismiss them as immature, goofy or simply as reads that belong in the children’s section of the library. However, none of this is true.
Aug 26, 2016
The Week

Book and wine pairings

Book and wine pairings
Aug 26, 2016