Cultivating Cybersecurity Awareness in Nepal

Published On: November 19, 2023 08:00 AM NPT By: Simran Lageju

As the wave of digitization spreads throughout businesses around the world, the need for strong cyber security measures is more significant than ever. The efficiency and reliability of any organization now depend heavily on incorporating cutting-edge technologies into daily operations,  introducing new challenges for companies to address and overcome in the realm of cybersecurity to thrive in this competitive era.

Analyzing Nepal’s Ban on TikTok

Published On: November 17, 2023 04:00 PM NPT By: Srijan Pande

On November 13, Nepal's Minister of Communication and Information Technology, Rekha Sharma, stated that the Cabinet had decided to ban TikTok, citing 'disruption in social harmony' and the impact the app, developed by social media giant ByteDance, had on the family and social structure of Nepal.

Growing a Green Economy

Published On: November 17, 2023 09:30 AM NPT By: Hari Prasad Shrestha

As part of the green economy, Nepal has adopted the Green, Resilient, and Inclusive Development (GRID) approach to address slow domestic job creation, high vulnerability to climate change and environmental degradation, low rates of inclusion, and large infrastructure gaps for long-term green growth, climate action, and sustainable development for all.

This System Will Not Improve Even If ‘Top Leaders’ Retire

Published On: November 10, 2023 08:35 AM NPT By: Rabindra Mishra

When political party-affiliated fraternal organizations of government salarymen, professors, lawyers, doctors, engineers, journalists, school teachers are kept intact, and no one says a word against it, thus politically corrupting every organ of society, will the present system improve just if the ‘top leaders’ retire?

Crisis in Gaza: The Western Hypocrisy and The Unfolding Tragedy

Published On: November 9, 2023 08:06 AM NPT By: Loknath Sangroula

The Israel-Palestine conflict has now extended into its fifth week, and as we witness these unfolding events it becomes strikingly evident that the Euro-American alliance posits itself as the lords of the world, striving to safeguard "civilization" against "barbarism."

Misjudging Politics as Service

Published On: November 8, 2023 08:30 AM NPT By: Dr Atindra Dahal

As long as the delusion that politics is a service prevails in society, politicians will remain irreparably irresponsible and capricious. The country relentlessly heads on the path of decline. Therefore, an atmosphere and psychology should be created that politics should be internalized as a challenging responsibility rather than a service.

Saving the Nation in Peril

Published On: November 7, 2023 08:30 AM NPT By: Niranjan Mani Dixit

Founded on transcendental heritages and religious and spiritual faiths of origin as a Hindu State, Nepal is an independent and indivisible sovereign state never been colonized. Diversities of hill topography, multiethnicity, multilingualism, multiculturalism and multi-religious values and system ensembled the idea of unity in diversity fostering a sense of shared purpose, identity, nationhood, unity, valor and patriotism.

Connecting the Education System with the Labor Market Needs

Published On: November 6, 2023 08:30 AM NPT By: Hari Prasad Shrestha

It is necessary to connect our education system with the labor market needs, which could support the employability of the educated and trained people,  reduce skills imbalances and improve the resilience of the workforce to future changes in labor market demand. This  is also known as responsiveness of the education system.

Brain Drain: A Concerning Trend in Nepal

Published On: November 5, 2023 09:30 AM NPT By: Krishna Verma

One of the primary factors driving Nepali students to study abroad is the limited availability of higher education opportunities within the country. Nepal has a limited number of universities and colleges, resulting in intense competition for admission.

Nepal's elusive peace process and Guterres’ initiative

Published On: November 4, 2023 09:00 AM NPT By: PUSHPA RAJ JOSHI

The government's unwillingness to conclude the peace process has far-reaching implications for the nation's stability and prosperity.