Making education three-dimensional

Published On: October 23, 2018 01:30 AM NPT By: Shyam Sharma

Higher education must be a three-dimensional deal, one that includes acquiring knowledge, developing skills for the workplace, and having meaningful experiences to shape learners for a lifetime

Politics for power

Published On: October 23, 2018 01:00 AM NPT By: Meena Bhatta

Nepal’s political parties, despite doing a lot for political change, have not been able to develop much-needed political culture

Disruptive ethnic nationalism

Published On: October 23, 2018 12:30 AM NPT By: Shlomo Ben-Ami

The rise of radical ethnic nationalism as a response to fears of terrorism and mass migration represents a more fundamentally transformative crisis

Without a Nepal

Published On: October 16, 2018 01:30 AM NPT By: Bishal Thapa

The State of Nepal is failing even before it has got a chance to get off the ground, it is crumbling under the weight of expectations and aspirations it has itself unleashed

Biography of stinging nettle

Published On: October 16, 2018 01:00 AM NPT By: Devendra Gautam

Why write about humans only? How about those plants, those mountains, rivers, stars, pebbles, rocks, oceans, how about all living and non-living things?

Germany’s socialism of fools

Published On: October 16, 2018 12:30 AM NPT By: Michael Bröning

Combining anti-establishment rhetoric on cultural and economic issues has worked well for right-wing populist parties. Will it work in Germany?

Chandra Shumsher in Britain

Published On: October 15, 2018 01:00 AM NPT By: P Kharel

Jung Bahadur, seven years after his landmark trip to Britain as the first Nepali leader of standing traveling overseas, came to be hailed in high esteem for the timely and crucial military support he provided in putting down the 1857 Sepoy Mutiny in India, Chandra, several days ahead of his visit, was considered to be imperial Britain’s “trusted” and “reliable ally”.

Of leadership, for the leaders

Published On: October 15, 2018 12:30 AM NPT By: Ayush Joshi

The fictional world of Prime Minister Asha of Singha Durbar TV series mirrors the shenanigans of Nepali politics. But despite the horrendous power struggles and political mudslinging on the screen, Asha understands that collaboration is the key for the successful implementation of federalism. Dubbed as a “roadmap for governance and leadership,” the TV series made a comeback with season two in July 2018 with support from USAID, United Nations in Nepal, and Nepali diaspora—this time with a storyline which reflects the challenges and opportunities of federalism.

Actions for zero hunger

Published On: October 15, 2018 12:00 AM NPT By: Jose Graziano da Silva

Just three years ago, in September 2015, all United Nations Member States approved the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The eradication of hunger and all forms of malnutrition (Sustainable Development Goal number 2) was defined by world leaders as a cardinal objective of the Agenda, a sine qua non-condition for a safer, fairer and more peaceful world.

Let women decide

Published On: October 14, 2018 02:00 AM NPT By: Ushma Rebel

It’s a long way for Nepali women to freely choose their partners as they want, when they want and how they want, pre-wedding or post-divorce