Comrade Trump

Published On: February 17, 2020 09:10 AM NPT By: Nina L Khrushcheva

NEW YORK – “In just three short years,” US President Donald Trump declared in his recent State of the Union (SOTU) address, “we have shattered the mentality of American decline and we have rejected the downsizing of America’s destiny.” This baseless pronouncement—more propaganda than reality—recalled Joseph Stalin’s 1935 proclamation that “Life has improved, comrades; life has become more joyous.”

Teaching by mentoring

Published On: February 17, 2020 09:02 AM NPT By: Rishi Ram Paudyal

As I was walking to college, I felt I could help students improve English by mentoring them. By utilizing my break time, I could contribute at least a little, I thought. I decided I would take only one student as my mentee. The mentor and mentee would work extra time at their will. If there would be more than one interested students, I would hold a lottery to select the participant. So I announced this in the class. Three students raised hands. I had to hold a lottery.

Truth and ecstasy

Published On: February 16, 2020 11:56 AM NPT By: Babu Ram Neupane

Faking complete knowledge is not wisdom. Therefore, it is a wise thing to say “I don’t know”. Only the people who can admit to not knowing tend to be more intellectually and emotionally confident than the ones who pretend to know it all. Herein lies the openness to the path of learning and knowledge.

Fear the threat

Published On: February 16, 2020 11:52 AM NPT By: Suresh Sharma

Few days ago, a person claiming to belong to ‘banned’ communist party called me for some monetary assistance for his party. He had misunderstood me for a manpower supplier to foreign countries. I said that he was calling a wrong number. A follow up to that call has not arrived yet. But this is the indication of the fact that threat looms large in Nepali society and that Nepal needs to formulate a pragmatic and stringent policies and programs to curb rogue elements’ activities by investigating into the root causes of the problems.

Dealing with children with learning disability

Published On: February 16, 2020 11:44 AM NPT By: Usha Pokharel

A few years ago, during an interaction with school children, I noticed a few children behaving differently. I thought they were just shy, but there was one hyperactive child.  I asked the teacher’s permission to interact closely with the child.  I suspected learning disabilities in the child. Initially, they were reluctant to acknowledge it, but later, they agreed with me. This is just one example.

When Viruses Turn Political

Published On: February 16, 2020 11:40 AM NPT By: Ngaire Woods

OXFORD – Before the coronavirus exploded into the news, a report by the World Health Organization warned that the world was not prepared for “a fast-moving, virulent respiratory pathogen pandemic” that could kill 50-80 million people, cause panic and instability, and seriously affect the global economy and trade. The experience of the last 200-plus years has shown that only governments acting in concert can effectively fight such a pandemic—and even then, only with the trust and compliance of their citizens. This points to three challenges facing political leaders in the fight against the new coronavirus, now known as COVID-19.

Shock of the epidemic is temporary

Published On: February 15, 2020 11:27 AM NPT By: Hou Yanqi

Since the outbreak of the new coronavirus pneumonia, acting with a high sense of responsibility to the health of the Chinese people and the people around the world, the Chinese government has taken the most comprehensive and rigorous control measures, including extending the Spring Festival holidays, postponing the re-opening time of companies, cancelling the international group tours, implementing traffic control, encouraging people to refrain from going out and gathering together.

A win-win for Nijgadh?

Published On: February 15, 2020 11:22 AM NPT By: Hemant Arjyal

The scare created by a coffee spill in the cockpit happens to be the interesting story for this week. Two A350s experienced uncommanded in-flight shutdown of one of the engines after spillage on the centre pedestal that housed “start and control” engine functions. Happening within three months, the resulting shutdown came after some 15 minutes for Delta Airlines (US/Jan, 2020) and an hour for Asiana (SKorea / Nov, 2019). Both cases were investigated by Airbus, following which European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) approved the temporary revision in the manual making cockpit a “liquid prohibited zone”. The drastic step was necessary as the spill could have also affected the other running engine.

Save the pangolins

Published On: February 15, 2020 11:17 AM NPT By: Sabitri Rai

Pangolin, the world’s most trafficked mammal, is shy and nocturnal in nature. It curls-up and becomes stationary when it sees other animals, humans or any objects. Usually at dark, because of its peculiar behaviors, there have been increased incidents of pangolins being stumped by heavy vehicles likes trucks, where these vehicles travel round the clock to and from Katari through Lekhani of Udayapur district.

Intelligence and Nepal’s foreign policy

Published On: February 13, 2020 10:11 AM NPT By: Dinesh Bhattarai

Continued neglect of intelligence in foreign policy formulating process has helped foreign intrigues to, what BP Koirala warned in 1976, make “Nepal a center of international conspiracy”