Rhino horn smuggler arrested after 23 years

Published On: February 8, 2022 10:55 AM NPT By: Republica

CHITWAN, Feb 8: The Chitwan National Park (CNP) has been able to arrest the convict on smuggling rhinoceros horn after 23 years of the crime. Krishna Prasad Neupane, 58, from Kalika Municipality-2 in the district had been absconding for such a long time.

Over 800,000 doses of AstraZeneca vaccine arrive in Nepal

Published On: February 8, 2022 09:15 AM NPT By: Republica

KATHMANDU, Feb 8: A total of 862,080 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine against COVID-19, provided by the British government through COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access or  COVAX facility, arrived in Nepal on Monday.

Govt forms study team for the construction of labor hospital

Published On: February 8, 2022 09:13 AM NPT By: Republica

KATHMANDU, Feb 8: The government has formed a feasibility study team for the construction of a workers' hospital. The team was formed after the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security approved a concept paper for the construction of a hospital meant for workers.

KANCHANPUR, Feb 7: As many as 60,000 students between 12-17 years of age have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 in Kanchanpur district, according to the District Health Office.

Three arrested along with illegal drugs

Published On: February 7, 2022 05:10 PM NPT By: Republica

KATHMANDU, Feb 7: Police arrested three people along with 11 ampoules of Diazepam, nine ampoules of Avil, 10 ampoules of Phenergan and 10 ampoules of Luprijesic from the road in front of Bishwakarma Temple in Morang, Sundarharaicha Municipality-7 on Sunday night.

KATHMANDU, Feb 7; People took part in a rally organized by the United National Squatters Front Nepal in the capital on Monday to pressure the government and the bodies concerned to ensure the rights of landless squatters.

People reluctant to visit vaccination centers in Rukum (East)

Published On: February 7, 2022 03:35 PM NPT By: Republica

RUKUM, Feb 7: Despite running vaccination campaigns against COVID-19 in the district of Rukum (East), the people of the target population have not visited the vaccination centers as expected.

Bad weather disrupts flights at Suketar Airport

Published On: February 7, 2022 02:25 PM NPT By: Republica

PHUNGLING, Feb 7: Flights at the Suketar Airport in Taplejung district have been continuously obstructed today due to bad weather conditions and snowfall, according to the Nepal Airlines Corporation (NAC).

Five people, who had gone missing in Chandragiri, rescued

Published On: February 7, 2022 12:45 PM NPT By: Republica

KATHMANDU, Feb 7: Five people of the same family who went missing while going to play in the snow at Chandragiri on February 6 have been rescued successfully.

BUTWAL, Feb 7: As many as three people died and two were seriously injured after a car they were traveling in collided with a parked truck at Tamnagar in Butwal on early Monday.