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High on fitness!

High on fitness!
By No Author
Kickboxing has been fun, hasn’t it? We’ve certainly enjoyed sharing what we’ve learnt from Shova Gurung, our fitness expert for the month, with you all. But fitness is a never-ending process. It doesn’t have to be kickboxing if you’re hard-pressed for time.

Sure, it’s a fun and invigorating workout, and you definitely should make time for it. But if you can’t on a regular basis, don’t get disheartened. [break]

Even once a week to start off with is good, and you can gain momentum as you enjoy and slowly get addicted to it.

Shova has previously enthralled us with her kickboxing moves and tips. This week, she’s sharing her secrets of good health which has always been her focus.

“If you have a good healthy lifestyle, then everything else just falls into place,” she says with a smile that lights up her face. She’s here to show you just how she does it. And believe us, it’s so simple that you’ll be shocked. But try it out, and you’re in for a surprise.

Secret #1: Don’t smoke. If you do, quit!

Within 20 minutes of finishing your last cigarette, your heart rate and blood pressure drops; and within 12 hours, the toxic carbon monoxide in your blood decreases and oxygen level increases, improving circulation.

“Today, many young boys and girls smoke. It’s becoming a fashion trend of some sort. It’s important to remember, though, that smoking has millions of harmful effects and no positive health effects,” says Shova who is a proud non-smoker. “Smoking causes early wrinkling and will slowly make you look older than your age,” she adds in a berating manner. “I’d like to bust the myth and say smoking isn’t cool, no matter what age you are,” she finishes off.

Secret #2: Stay active. Keep moving

Inactivity spurs the production of ghrelin, a hormone that increases the urge to eat.

“The best way to prevent this is to get up and move around, a bit once every hour,” shares Shova. Shova, who never abstains from eating anything, swears by activity to keep her fit and healthy. She feels you can eat anything and everything as long as you are physically active. Take a brisk walk for 30 minutes daily, or take the stairs instead of the elevator at work. A little bit goes a long way in keeping up your fitness quotient.

Secret #3: Eat breakfast without fail

When people eat more carbohydrates, protein and fats in the morning, they stay satisfied and eat less over the course of the day than those who eat bigger meals later on. Many Nepalis start their day on empty stomach.

“Always have fruits or yogurt at home so that you can eat it first thing in the morning,” suggests Shova. A hearty breakfast revs up your metabolism which in turn burns more calories.

Secret #4: Mindful eating, and not binging

“You should eat whatever you want and not deprive yourself. But having said that, you should also limit indulgences to once a week or so,” quips in Shova. Make sure you are getting the proper nutrients. Also stay hydrated. Have at least 8-10 glasses of water daily. Try to avoid fried and oily and sugary food and stimulants like alcohol, cigarettes and caffeine containing tea, coffee and colas as they are dehydrating and stimulate stress response leading to a wide variety of problems.

Secret #5: Sleep well

Chronic sleep loss can contribute to health problems such as weight gain, high blood pressure, and a decrease in immunity. Sleep deprivation is also one of the causes of weight gain. It affects the way our bodies process and store carbohydrates. It also alters the levels of hormones that affect our appetite.

“Just as you schedule time for work and other commitments, schedule enough time for sleep. Instead of cutting back on sleep in order to tackle the rest of your daily tasks, put sleep at the top of your to-do list. You’ll feel fresher and reenergized than you would if you cut back on your sleeping time,” says Shova.

These are Shova’s trade secrets and it’s all out there for you to implement in your life and reap the benefits.

“A daily 20-minute dose of stretching can do wonders for your body. Make sure you warm up before you take a walk by aptly stretching your muscles. This will prevent sores and make your workout more effective,” shares Shova, as she waves goodbye.

Follow the super five tips alongside some moderate exercise daily, and see the difference in a month.

Keep following this segment, as Shova will be back to give you more diet and health tips that you can incorporate in your daily lifestyle.Until then!

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