Saving street animals one at a time

October 4, 2019 10:03 am

We all love having pets at home. Be it dogs, cats or, if you are brave enough, even snakes, pets add a dose of happiness to our lives. However, when it comes to animals out on the streets, most of us are pretty indifferent and some are even, at times, downright cruel to them. But once in a while, people are willing to consider that the lives of these animals are just as important as their own.

Little act with a big impact

December 14, 2018 10:27 am

The condition of stray dogs has always been pitiful in Nepal. They are kicked, beaten, and sometimes even run over by heavy vehicles. And, time and again, there have been cases where the community or the government has even put them to sleep. And on the exact opposite end of this spectrum are the dogs of “good breed” that most Nepali households buy for thousands of rupees. While a lot of organizations and initiations to help street dogs have started in the past few years, the condition of the stray dogs hasn’t really changed that much.