Lost love

October 11, 2020 20:15 pm

Sleepless nights filled with pain and suffering that my heart goes through in your remembrance have become regular now. My heart itches for the warmth, you once gave it. I never thought that one day I would have to take the help of a pen to spill out the sufferings of my heart.

In her Instagram post-Malvika Subba wrote in Nilu Dolma’s remembrance, “Never met anyone like you, who made everyone in her life feel very special. I am sure all of them miss you, like I do. Always in our hearts and minds.

I miss you

June 27, 2019 11:45 am

I write this to you filled with fond affection and gentle care. I am bent at my desk as I write, scribbling on my yellowish, moth-eaten paper. Ink welled up my nib and spilt over the page. My heart is frozen and my limbs feel heavy. I’m sprawled on my chair, brooding.

Scientists have found that a brain area is responsible for creating memories from smells as well as retaining those memories even years later.

Aditya Neupane of My City talked to engineer Dilman Singh Basnet member of Safe and Sustainable Travel Nepal and Road Safety Awareness Committee of Nepal Engineers’ Association and Division Chief at Community Infrastructure Division, Poverty Alleviation Fund (PAF). Following is a short excerpt of the interview with him.